National Drugs Helpline


The 'Know the Score' National Drug Helpline campaign by DFGW was used to urge teenagers to find out more about party drugs - ecstasy, LSD and amphetamines - and the harm they can do.  

I was supplied photos of teenagers in party mode, along with the copy for each ad describing the effects the drugs had on specific parts of the body.  I had to 'autopsy' the photos to reveal the effected organs.

The first wave of the campaign I used ink line and watercolor, to give a more of a anatomical text book feel. This style progressed to a more realistic acrylic version that resulted in the hard hitting shock and awe images. By the end of the campaign I had created over 30 illustrations over a 3 month period.

The campaign went on to win awards including the overall Grand Prix at the IPA Effectiveness Awards.